Generate API With Callback

Music Generation API


if you want to use callback, you need to provide a callback url, and use /api/generate to generate music.

API Endpoint

Content-Type: application/json


Authentication is required for all API requests. Include your API key in the request headers:

Code Examples



titlestringNoThe title of the music to be generated
promptstringYesThe text prompt describing the music you want to generate
gpt_description_promptstringNoAdditional prompt for GPT to help generate better music description
custom_modebooleanNoWhether to use custom mode
make_instrumentalbooleanNoWhether to generate instrumental music without vocals
modelstringNoThe model to use for generation. Available options: "chirp-v3.5", "chirp-v3.0". Default: "chirp-v3.5"
callback_urlstringNoURL to receive generation results. If provided, results will be sent to this URL. If not provided, please use generate api
clusterstringNoSpecify the cluster to use. Default: "default"

  • title: Music title
  • prompt: generate music prompt, If the content is too long, the generation will fail with "Topic too long."
  • gpt_description_prompt: Can input music style, If the content is too long, the generation will fail with "Topic too long."
  • custom_mode: This parameter exists only in the suno-v3 model.
  • make_instrumental: false,
  • model: Options include chirp-v3.0, chirp-v3.5
  • callback_url : Optional field, but it is recommended to use your own address due to potential delays with our forwarding

Custom Mode: If you want to use customMode, make sure the following parameters exist.

customModeinstrumentalRequired Parameters
truefalsestyle, prompt, title
truetruestyle, title

Submit Generation Task Response


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